Where Did 2016 Go? So, It Is Already July 1, 2017?
Here We Go Again!
This picture was taken in 2016. The butterfly flew in giving us a moment to catch our breath and just enjoy the wonder of nature. We were able to slow down for a minute and just enjoy this special moment. We were able to breathe for a few minutes and relax.
Why oh why do we have to be so busy that we hardly can catch our breath! We had one of those years where every week seemed to overload us with things to do. It was as if we felt the need to push ourselves in a pace that kept us away from thinking about anything but hurry, hurry, hurry.....time is passing. Is it possible to be so busy, that you speed up time and make it go faster? When I look back on 2016 I feel like it all was a blur! Mind you, it was a good blur, but maybe, just maybe we need to always fill our time with just enjoying what comes, instead of planning every minute!
We have our memories of 2016 all in picture albums, which we occasionally look through, just to see what we did. That should reveal something. Just a year ago, we did so much, saw so much, and drove so much that our minds have been overwhelmed. What makes us think that we need to build a bulging portfolio for our lives? What makes us think that adding down time will somehow make our lives less special?
Here is the funny thing, our life is just as busy in 2017, and it does not look like it is going to slow down in 2018. When will we learn? I just pray when downtime comes, I stop and smell the roses, because those times may be the sweetest of all!