WooHoo!! Well, what can I say...."I am excited." Bob and I have been planning our Hawaii trip for 5 years and now it is finally coming true! This has been on our "Wish List" or now called "Bucket List" for a long time and 2009 brings the dream alive. What is really special is that we are taking our sons and their wives with us on this "Retirement Trip." The term "Retirement Trip," which is what this originally was supposed to be, is not exactly the right term now either, because we are not going to retire quite yet. This is our "Pre-Retirement Trip." If you live in America, you understand that our economy has caused a lot of people to reconsider early retirement, and we are one of those families where retirement may now be closer to retirement age.
When you start planning your lives and your "Bucket Lists" you never realize until you are there just how fast life goes. We have been blessed to accomplish lots of dreams on our "Bucket List" and Hawaii not only was on that dream list, but it is the 50th and final state for me to visit in my 50+ years. Bob finished his 50th state a few years ago when we took an East Coast trip, up through Maine, into Vermont, and to Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. Bob had already been to Hawaii (well if you call it that) back when he touched down on the Big Island on his way to Vietnam! He did not quite get the Paradise experience like we are going to experience on this trip!!!
If we could, we would take you all with us on this exciting trip to Hawaii!!
This is almost as good as it was when we were little kids waiting for Santa Claus to visit!! WooHoo! 
Steph Drake