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Family ~ "What greater thing is there for human souls than to feel that they are joined for life - to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories." ~ George Eliot

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving 2011!


For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, For love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts.  
No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, 
nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving. 
 ~H.U. Westermayer~

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, 
"thank you," that would suffice. 
~Meister Eckhart~

So once in every year we throng
Upon a day apart,
To praise the Lord with feast and song
In thankfulness of heart.
~Arthur Guiterman, The First Thanksgiving~

 As we express our gratitude, we must never forget 

that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, 
but to live by them.  
~John Fitzgerald Kennedy~

Remember God's bounty in the year.  String the pearls of His favor.  

Hide the dark parts, except so far as 
they are breaking out in light!  
Give this one day to thanks, to joy, to gratitude!  
~Henry Ward Beecher~

Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, 

once a year; to the honest man it 
comes as frequently as the 
heart of gratitude will allow.  
~Edward Sandford Martin~

Our rural ancestors, with little blest,
Patient of labour when the end was rest,
Indulged the day that housed their annual grain,
With feasts, and off'rings, and a thankful strain.
~Alexander Pope~

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Within My Hidden Nook

Within My Hidden Nook

Sometimes you need to open a book 
When dreams seem far away.
And slip into the cloudy moments
Of any given day.

You will find a spark; a great escape,
A moment that opens your mind.
And for a special time away
A dream is what you'll find.

I sometimes walk into this room
When life's tasks seem hard to bear.
I sit and open up the pages
And find great solace there.

Laughter, sadness, enlightened phrase
Are held in every book.
My dreams begin to soar again,
Within my hidden nook.

by Steph Drake - November 19, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

November 11, 2011

November 11, 2011

Today I say thank you to all the veterans and their families!  I especially thank my husband and sons for their service to their country in honor of freedom. We honor those who believe in freedom and peace so much, that they would give their own lives, to protect those freedoms that our great nation holds so dear. With great respect, we honor you!

There are 3 movies that come to mind when I think of why someone would fight for what they believe. These 3 movies are Braveheart, Dances with Wolves and the Last Samurai!  War in itself seems like a senseless choice, but when faced with the choice of fighting for freedom from tyranny, fighting for our religious beliefs, fighting for what is right, believing that all man are equal, and as honorable human beings, we must stand up.  It is not war that is glorified, it is our beliefs that are glorified. To live in a world where war no longer exists and where good man prevail would be heaven!


Quotes from Braveheart

William Wallace:  You have come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight? Aye, fight and you may die, run and you'll live. At least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom! 

Quotes from The Last Samurai

Katsumoto: You believe... a man can change his destiny?
Algren: I think a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed. 

Emperor Meiji: You were with him when he died?
Algren:  Yes.
Emperor Meiji:  Tell me how he died.
Algren:  I will tell you how he lived.

Katsumoto: A perfect cherry blossom is a rare thing. 
You can spend your whole life looking for one, and it will not be a wasted life.

Emperor Meiji:  But we cannot forget who we are. Or where we come from. 

Quotes from Dances With Wolves

John Dunbar:  It was hard to know how to feel. I had never been in a battle like this one. This had not been a fight for territory or riches or to make men free. This battle had no ego. It had been fought to preserve the food stores that would see us through winter, to protect the lives of women and children and loved ones only a few feet away. I felt a pride I had never felt before.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

God's Yellow Leaf

God's Yellow Leaf

A bright yellow leaf trickled down from the sky
As I walked along the path.
I watched it gently sway in the breeze until it
Landed very near my grasp.

I looked at its color, its shape and its beauty
As I held it close to my view.
I then looked up to see the magnificence of
The tree from whence it grew. 

This tiny golden leaf had lived its life
From sprout to calming shade. 
Through sun and rain, and windy days,
Its purpose had been made.

Sometimes we need to stop for a moment
To understand the reasons
For all that happens in our lives,
For changes in the seasons.

The trickling down of one yellow leaf
Made me realize His plan.
Be grateful for the life that you are given,
And do the best you can.

by Steph Drake - November 1, 2011

(The picture was taken on our "Hunt For Red October" trip
to northern Georgia in October 2011 and the inspiration for this poem.)


Dad - August 19, 2011 @4:30 p.m. (Forwarded from our old website)

Today, I started looking back at some of the websites I had made and realized that one of the sites was missing.  This was such an important site to me because it was a site I had built for my Dad about a year before he became sick and passed away.  I kind of felt like I did when dad died.  It felt like a part of me was missing.  I felt so discouraged and so upset that I could not think about the possibilities to help this situation. All I felt was loss.

It is funny how things happen in your life and how much effect they have on you.  I did not stop to think that all the memories were still in my mind.  Dad's site may have been deleted, but his memory was not gone.  This realization made me happy again, and I knew that I could rebuild a website.  It made me realize that things are not important, because they can always be replaced.  What is important are the memories and the relationships we have had in our lives and how we have learned from everything, (good or bad), and made life better.

Changes in our lives are always hard, especially if we are not prepared for the change.  I have struggled with things that have happened in my life, only to realize that I cannot change what has happened, but learn and accept my responsibility to move ahead. We can let the things that we cannot control have a negative effect on us, or we can choose to learn and move forward.  I think moving forward sometimes is the hardest challenge in our lives.  I am determined to look at the events in my life that have made me feel desperate, and choose to make lemonade out of lemons.

So, Dad's website may have been deleted, but I can make another.  I have all the memories in my head. I can move forward!   Thanks Dad....another lesson learned.

Steph Drake

Moving On!

Moving On - September 13, 2010 @ 10:45 a.m. (Forwarded from our old website)

They say (whoever they is) that you should never look back.  I say, looking back helps me to continue forward because of the lessons learned. Lessons learned are always in the past.  I am thankful for my past (although some memories are harder to swallow than others) because the past is why I am who I am today.  

What I find most interesting about the past, is becoming aware that sometimes the things or feelings we had which seemed so unacceptable, suddenly seem so tiny and not worth our worry.   In other words, the past was not as bad as what we thought.. Sometimes the challenges we face seem far worse at the moment, and eventually,  as we look back on our particular situations, we will feel like that particular challenge was not near as bad as our momentary feeling about the challenge.

Sometimes though, I think it is important to remember and pull from our emotions to never allow certain things to happen again.  When I think about September 11, 2001, my rememberance of that moment and how I felt is so important to remember, so that those who lost their lives will not be forgotten.  When I think of visiting Dachau, Germany where I experienced first hand the feeling of such great loss that I became weak, I know that remembering such a terrible moment in history will always make me aware of  this horrific destruction of humanity by radical forces.  When I visited Amsterdam, with Bob, Jason and Shawn, and saw Anne Frank's home, my feeling of sadness was overwhelming, and I will not forget that feeling.  The past can teach us so much!! 

Yesterday, Bob and I watched a documentary on the Great Depression.  We watched and realized how unbelievably blessed we have been in our lifetime.  We had a better understanding about  our parents and those who lived during the depression.  We realized why money, jobs and hard work were so important to them.  They carried emotions and understanding about the possibilities of losing everything. That is why keeping what they had, and living a frugal life came from their own experience, their past, their lives.  Their own experiences made them who they were.

Today, I realize how blessed I am.  Although, there have been times when my challenges have seemed overhwhelming, I have learned that "this too shall pass"  (something my mom always said).  Even the worst moment in my life, can get better if I just continue forward.   Today, when I think of challenges, I remember Anne Frank  and draw from her courage.  She is my inspiration for remembering the past but continuing forward.  She, somehow, never lost hope or faith, even when things seemed most hopeless.  She continued forward, looking for the next possibility which would make all things better.  I will continue in my life looking for the next possibilities.  Having hope and faith, learning from our past, and continuing forward is all that any of us can do to keep our lives positive. 

Steph Drake

Why? Because!!!

Why?  Because!!! - May 1, 2009 @ 10:50 a.m. (Forwarded from our old website)

Do you ever wonder what compels someone to share their thoughts with the world? Is it a need to be heard, remembered, appreciated, loved? Sometimes, for me, it is just an outlet of stored energy; the need to feel creative; the need to let go.  It really does not matter if others understand my need, but for me it  somehow releases who I am on paper.

I recently realized that sometimes how I understand things in my mind,  can be so totally different when seen up close.  It is startling when you have a thought for years in your head, and then suddenly that thought is altered by facts that surround you.  You not only see the reality, but you feel the change in yourself.  You realize that "all that glitters is not gold."  Things are not always as they seem.  It kind of rattles the brain.

I have decided that it is ok to establish beliefs, but to not be handcuffed to them.  It is important to allow yourself to accept reality, but then go on.  Shattered beliefs are ok, if you go on.  Change your road, continue on, do not hold onto what was, but hold onto what is.  Always go forward. Smile and move on!

Steph Drake

Hawaii 2009

Hawaii 2009 - March 2, 2009 @ 2:15 p.m.  (Forwarded from our old website)

WooHoo!!  Well, what can I say...."I am excited."  Bob and I have been planning our Hawaii trip for 5 years and now it is finally coming true!  This has been on our "Wish List" or now called "Bucket List" for a long time and 2009 brings the dream alive.  What is really special is that we are taking our sons and their wives with us on this "Retirement Trip."  The term "Retirement Trip," which is what this originally was supposed to be, is not exactly the right term now either, because we are not going to retire quite yet.  This is our "Pre-Retirement Trip."  If you live in America, you understand that our economy has caused a lot of people to reconsider early retirement, and we are one of those families where retirement may now be closer to retirement age.  

When you start planning your lives and your "Bucket Lists" you never realize until you are there just how fast life goes.  We have been blessed to accomplish lots of dreams on our "Bucket List" and Hawaii not only was on that dream list, but it is the 50th and final state for me to visit in my 50+ years.  Bob finished his 50th state a few years ago when we took an East Coast trip, up through Maine, into Vermont, and to Niagara Falls on the Canadian side.  Bob had already been to Hawaii (well if you call it that) back when he touched down on the Big Island on his way to Vietnam!  He did not quite get the Paradise experience like we are going to experience on this trip!!!

If we could, we would take you all with us on this exciting trip to Hawaii!!

This is almost as good as it was when we were little kids waiting for Santa Claus to visit!!  WooHoo! 

Steph Drake